September 1, 2010

when the lights go down in the city.

 (1. view of the city from my front yard - literally a block in front of my apartment; 2. driving into the city; 3. view of mt. washington - my home).
I mentioned in this post last month that I was staying at my parent's house for a little while & wasn't sure how long I'd be staying.  After thinking things over & trying to make the best decision for myself, I've moved back home for a little bit. It's kind of a complicated situation, but someone broke into my apartment at the beginning of last month & while there's a lot more to it than that, I'm just trying to make the best of things while I'm here. I'm going to miss the city & my mountain top view & living by myself & having everything within walking distance but I'm also excited to be with my family & have home cooked meals & be able to leave the doors open & just sit on the porch & listen to the crickets. It's going to be quite the adjustment for I haven't lived at home in 4 years but I think I really need this right now. r.i.p. city life (for right now anyway).

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I saw your blog on Mode Republic and thought I'd come by and say Hi. I really like your style of writing and it would be quite nice to keep in touch. What do you think?

    Love from Toronto, Canada

    P.S: I am hosting my very first giveaway on my blog. Please take a moment to visit and enter. Good Luck. :)
