August 12, 2010

peaches & scream.

Forever 21 lace bodysuit; asos shorts; vintage DIY jean vest; Dolce Vita shoes via Revolve; asos elephant bangle; vintage rings; Tiffany's ring; MAC morange lipstick
Whilst watching Project Runway all night, I felt a little crafty & DIY'd this vest from a jean jacket that's been hanging in my old closet at my parent's house since high school. I wore my newly made-over vest with these girly peach shorts & a lace bodysuit. I'm not one to indulge in outfits that are too pretty so I tried to harden up these shorts with the other elements of the outfit. I bought these cage booties awhile ago & I think I only wore them once. I love rediscovering items in my closet. Speaking of Project Runway, what is everyone else thinking of this season? I kind of want to slit my wrists every time Gretchen talks.

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