March 22, 2011


 Forever 21 sweater; Hollister jeans; Target moccasins; vintage belt; handcrafted & vintage jewelry
I really wasn't planning on taking outfit photos today because there's nothing really special about what I'm wearing but I figured what the hey, & snapped a few shots anyway (points for rhyming?). These jeans are those pair of jeans that everyone has in their possession that probably should have been thrown away years ago but they still somehow stick around.. you know the kind. I also just found these moccasins hiding in a box. Ya see, when I made my return home last September, I refused to unpack anything because I thought that would make things too permanent, so I've literally been living out of boxes ever since because I'm completely stubborn. In my defense though, I wasn't planning on staying here this long but I have to wait until loose ends are tied up & things that are out of my control keep getting postponed.

By the way, sorry for the lack of detail shots here. My kitty decided to go on the attack the other day & I've got unattractive scratches all over the place. Which reminds me of this one time while I was at work (I worked at the Hard Rock Cafe during college to pay for my booze & rent) I was handing this lady a menu & she looked at my arm all disgusted & was like "you're not even going to try & hide THAT?" & it took me a minute to realize she was referring to scratches across my wrist & mistook me for an emo cutter. I then told her I had a kitten & her face got all red as she realized what a huge ass she looked like.


  1. cute sweater =D love the color!

  2. I love the top and the necklaces! Great outfit.

  3. Ah yes... THOSE jeans...
    Ohmygod, I have scratches all over my wrists from my kitten as well! It looks seriously emo.

  4. cute outfit! like the comfy jeans :)

  5. That sucks that people will be so rude as to assume that scratches on your arm means you are a cutter. Even if you were, that lady was extremely rude in the way she spoke to you. :O I hope she learned her lesson. :P
    Cute shirt! I don't really care for the length of the jacket, and I think it would look nicer with a tank or shirt underneath, but your color choices really rock. :)

  6. Love this burnt orange/tangerine with your obre hair color!

  7. gorgeous mustard top and love the necklace with it!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  8. love this sweater..i hate people sometimes, what an ass! haha

  9. I have to be honesty. dont really like this look :(
    after all I liked your blog, so lovely

  10. I love those jeans and yup! I tots have a pair in my closet too....spring sounds like a perfect time to bust them out! and that story about kitty scratches is hilarious!! I could never work in the restaurant biz, for reasons made in the movie Waiting, and dealing with bitches like that....stfu and order your food bitches!

    *sorry for the potty mouth comments, its late and I'm a little buzzed and feeling chatty
